New Year, New Journey!

I am very passionate about making a difference in my life and that of others; I am also very passionate about promoting gentle shifts that last a lifetime. So when I came across videos by David Wolfe & Lars Gustafson, I was immediately engaged and inspired. Their messages were directly in line with my own views, which suggest a gentle transition and learning process; one with lasting effects and a genuine desire to create amazing lives for all who are interested.

I am excited to share that my Journey for 2011 includes enrollment in courses with some of the world’s leading nutrition and wellness experts: David Wolfe – Ultimate “Raw Nutrition Certification” and Lars GustafsonBodyMind Renewal program.

My personal interest began with gaining extraordinary knowledge about “super foods” and the impact these can have on our lives. I am well into my first course and I LOVE it! I have learned so much already…cleansing/detoxing, juicing, superfoods, superherbs, and some of the long term impacts on our body.

Everyone’s personal path to amazing health will be unique. Finding the path that works for you is the only way to achieve long term, effective results. To make a lasting shift in your life, you must look at what your goals are: Getting healthy? Tips to maintain your health? Or resolving a significant health concern?

There are many options available to help you achieve amazing health & nutrition: Visit our website for Free Recipes & nutrition information; Contact us for Natural Nutrition Coaching, or to Contact a Holistic Nutritionist. Enhance your personal knowledge: Sign up for the Free Student Pass @ the BodyMind Institute; or David Wolfe’s “Raw Nutrition Certification” which will bring you into the world of raw and super food living, while giving you the tools to be a guide for others.


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