What is a Nutritionist?

The Bundles of Energy team includes a group of ladies who are holistic nutritionists. But what does this actually mean?

The term nutritionist is not regulated, and in fact anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. What makes us unique is that we are holistic nutritionists who have a diploma from an accredited college here in Canada. Upon graduation, we receive the credentials RHN, and can call ourselves holistic nutritionists, a term recognized within the health field. RHN’s are graduates of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and are professionals who follow a specific code of ethics.

Holistic nutritionists encourage people to eat natural, live, and good quality foods. Natural foods are those foods that are in their whole state, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. We encourage people to introduce more of these foods into their lives instead of always depending on pre-packaged foods. Live foods are foods that are rich in enzymes, such as vegetables. Eating good quality foods means eating foods that support a healthy body. The foods you eat should be high in essential nutrients and feed your body.

Part of what holistic nutritionists want to do is to help empower people to make healthy decisions about what they eat. It is about teaching people to take responsibility for their actions. It is also about working with all other health industries in helping people strive towards optimal health. We want to align ourselves with chiropractors, doctors, naturopaths and other health care practitioners whenever possible to provide support systems  for each and every person.

Holistic nutritionists are passionate about food and love showing people that eating healthy can be fun, easy, and delicious. Look through our website here at Bundles of Energy and try out some of our recipes. Check out our blogs and past newsletters for information and tips. And remember that holistic nutritionists are always available for one on one consultations to answer more indepth questions that you may have about the foods you are eating.

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