Cleansing Can Be As Simple As a Few Small Changes

It has been a long and snowy winter here in Calgary, and it has been difficult to get outside to remain active.  Yes, I’ve bundled myself up and trekked to the gym, but I haven’t really felt like doing much in the evenings after work.  I also found myself eating more and more unhealthy foods, such as tortilla chips, chocolate, breads, and other processed foods that I don’t normally eat.  I really felt like I needed to do a cleansing diet to rejuvenate and re-invigorate my body and mind.

I started the cleansing diet on a weekend, and after a few tough days of craving sugar and sweets, I remembered just how delicious a simple piece of fruit tastes, or how some raw vegetables with hummus can be a great addition to a lunch.  I remembered how fun it was to make a homemade soup from scratch, instead of depending on a can.  My husband and I -yes he too followed the cleansing diet- went shopping for our favorite whole foods, and we set time aside each and every evening to prepare and cook dinner, and then make lunches for the following day.  As the days went on, we felt healthy and happy, and after those first few days I had more than enough energy to spare!

Eating a cleansing diet doesn’t have to mean eating boring or bland foods, it means eating whole, live, and fresh foods.  And, it can re-set your taste buds!

Cleansing Diet Tips:

  • eliminate all processed foods, such as pasta, breads, baked goods, crackers and chips
  • make vegetables the main focus of meals
  • snack on fresh fruits such as apples and cinnamon
  • start the day off with a glass of water with lemon to get the digestive system moving
  • eat high fiber and high protein foods such as legumes (beans and lentils)-try making soups using these
  • feel the need to snack? Try spreading raw almond butter on rice cakes or on celery. Have a handful of puffed rice or quinoa cereal.
  • eggs are a great source of protein and can be eaten at any meal of the day. Hard boil eggs and add them to salads for a delicious and healthy lunch. Drizzle with a dressing made with olive oil, lemon juice and pepper.
  • choose organic chicken and cook up extra so you can take leftovers to work. Serve with cooked spinach and green beans
  • drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep hydrated and to help flush those toxins out

Check out my split pea soup recipe.  This made for a great dinner and lunch the next day.

Other great recipes I used were:

The key to a cleansing diet is to be prepared.  It is important to have healthy and nutritious food options in your fridge to keep from grabbing something processed.  It is also important to be feeling healthy, as you don’t want to cleanse if you are sick.  Try a cleansing diet for a week or two to see how you feel.  Afterwards, continue with it as the basis of your daily diet, and add in those pleasure foods in moderation!  I know that after my cleanse is over I am going to want a piece of organic fair trade milk chocolate…..and I will enjoy every bite!

Check out the Love Your Body Lunchbox for other great food ideas for during and after cleansing!


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