Warm up with a Peppermint Hot Chocolate!

Peppermint Hot Chocolate
Serves 4
This minty hot chocolate is the perfect winter warm up. Make a large batch to share with everyone on a cold winter day.
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  1. 6 cups milk (almond, dairy, rice, or coconut)
  2. 1/2 cup maple syrup; pure, medium grade
  3. 2 tsp Peppermint extract, pure
  4. 1/2 cup cacao powder, raw
  1. Combine milk and maple syrup in a small saucepan over medium heat to gently warm (do NOT boil, as it will be too hot to drink).
  2. Once warm, add cacao powder and extract, then whisk to combine.
  3. Serve immediately and enjoy!
  1. Variation: Upgrade this to a post exercise energy drink, by adding 1-2 servings of an organic, all natural protein supplement. Just whisk in at the end of heating, and pack in a thermos to enjoy after sporting events and winter outings!
Bundles Of Energy https://bundlesofenergy.com/
 Making your own hot chocolate is so easy, and allows you to control the amount of sugar you consume! Make your holidays healthy and fun, with this delicious treat!
Check out our Whole Foods Lifestyle Program for more great snack recipes 


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